Local coordinators

Find the local coordinator of your country below.

Croatia and Bosnia

Marta Curman

Email: martcurman[at]gmail[dot]com

France, Belgium, Romandy (Switzerland)

Dr Marjorie Bison

Email: mbison[dot]mygardenoftrees[at]gmail[dot]com

Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Slovenia

Bernadett Virókné Fodor

Email: fodordetti[at]gmail[dot]com


Nancy Koller

Email: info[at]nancy-koller[dot]de


Karol Tomczak

Email: karool[dot]tomczak[at]gmail[dot]com


María Viota

Email: viota[dot]maria[at]gmail[dot]com

Switzerland, Germany and Austria

Fabian Suter

Email: fabian[dot]suter[at]wsl[dot]ch


Sevil Coşgun

Local coordinator for seed collections in Turkey

PhD student in Palaeoecology, University of Bern

Email: sevil[dot]cosgun[at]ips[dot]unibe[dot]ch